The shuttering works included metal edge trim to form vertical perimeter edge shuttering, together with timber plywood soffit shuttering at slab edge and column locations. We also provided the plant and materials. The project is being delivered by Kier on behalf of their client All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT).
Our sister company Brilliant Ideas Ltd also supplied ALIMATS® for the duration of the construction of the steel frame and installation of precast hollowcore flooring. They were hired by both Milbank Concrete Products and William Hayley Engineering. Milbank also hired our inflatable Safety Net Recovery System during their installation works.
Main Contractor Kier Construction
Precast Concrete Hollowcore Flooring Milbank Concrete Products
Steel Frame Supplier William Hayley Engineering
Crane Mat Supplier Brilliant Ideas Ltd
Safety Net Recovery System Brilliant Ideas Ltd
At Beresford’s Flooring we specialise in all works related to precast concrete floors and have supported all major manufacturers of hollowcore flooring from invitation to tender through to completion of works on multiple schemes.