Disproportionate Collapse Works

The Beresford’s site team are heading to Loughborough College on Radmor Road for this project to support Principal Contractor Stepnell, who are developing a much-anticipated new teaching and sports facility.

Our expertise is within the precast floor. So after the hollowcore has gone down, we work on stitching the floors together with certified in-situ concrete, shuttering and loose reinforcement. We also install the associated tie requirements to the supporting steel frame. FMP (Freeman Mills Partnership Ltd) supplied the frame for this project.

One of the reasons main contractors bring us in at the start of their project is for our simplified connection details between the interface of the steel frame and precast floors – saving time and money on big schemes like this one. Our standard connection details eliminate site welding (the tie details are still achieved), which removes the need for temporary soffit shuttering of the internal non-load bearing tie beams, as well as delivering a more aesthetic finish.

Beresford’s is a Constructionline Gold Member. To talk to us about your next project please call 01335 345111 or email massmix@bfl.uk.com